
Smart Living: A combination of IoT, Big Data & AI


The client’s mission was to remove the hassle of home automation installation. They wanted to enable their consumers to access the smart home immediately and with minimal effort, so they could enjoy it without interruption.

The client needed to devise an environment where the product would be online and serve users in real-time. Plus, delivering service to a huge population of over half a million subscribers was a huge challenge for them. Hence, fast expansion and zero-downtime synchronization were required.

Omega Strategy

Omega recommended using AWS (Amazon Web Services) as a CSP (Communication Service Provider) and serverless design as a methodology to consider for daily 8–9 million transaction requests, unforeseen user base growth, forthcoming additions, and the AWS invention track record.

Key developments include the ETL method starting from 1 million IoT devices to be equipped with Business Intelligence (BI), Voice access control in addition to Alexa & Google Home, Safety module using broadcasting solution.

The Omega team made it seamless to integrate Java, Python, AWS, Alexa, Google Home, Apache Ant, Dialog Flow, and GCP Firebase Notification as key technologies. In addition, we ensured the flawless functionality of tools such as Eclipse, Pycharm, VScode, databases such as DynamoDB, and a comprehensive platform using voice, mobile, and web solutions. The team consisted of 3 AWS Cloud experts, 2 Full Stack experts, 2 Quality Assurance experts, 1 Solution Architect, 1 IoT expert, and 1 DevOps expert.

Digital Impact

Omega transformed the system for the client without affecting the 1 million pieces of hardware. Our team successfully maintained the near zero second latency secure, scalable and robust architecture for ongoing workload and upcoming R&D planes.

The client would be able to set up and deploy all the product’s infrastructure and accessory components using Omega’s tailored strategy for each part of the program. Our client is quite satisfied with the services we have provided to deliver automation into the  end-user’s home without having to actually rewire anything.

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